Sunday, September 28, 2008

So does this count as cultural misappropriation?

OK, I'm kidding about the cultural misappropriation, though I suppose an argument could be made. Mostly I just want you to watch the video because it is awesome.

IMHO, the last minute is the best part.



Unknown said...

Cultural misappropriation here? Do they look like UUs performing a religious ritual from another religion (which must as different as possible from WASP Christianity) while they actually do not believe a single word of what they are saying or doing?

Jaume de Marcos Andreu said...

Ooops, sorry, that was me. Wrong account.

Chalicechick said...

As I've written here before, the first time I ever heard someone accused of cultural misappropriation, there were no UUs involved at all. It was a white guy singing a traditionally black song at a music recital.

And I DID write that I was kidding here.


Anonymous said...

Oh yummy! Rex Smith for breakfast! He "takes my breath away"

Steven Rowe said...

Ha! so two misappropriations in one!
which is the one that we should be offended by the most?

(everyone knows that the video and song are merged, dont they?)

Transient and Permanent said...

Thanks, that was awesome. Now I'm gonna have that in my head the whole time while in church a few minutes from now!

Bill Baar said...

I haven't been all that deep into this cultural misappropriation issue.. I know I'm uncomfortable if UUs try and do Native American ceremonies...

But if cultural misappropriation bad... is there such a thing as cultural appropriation that's appropriate?

I'd argue American Culture has been appropriated all over the world... the good and the crass we have to offer..

Robin Edgar said...

Would it count as cultural misappropriation if I dubbed these modified G&S lyrics over this U*UTube video clip taken from the same movie? ;-)

Joe The Math Guy said...

Hey Bill--Gads I HOPE appropriation is ok sometimes...I would HATE trying to teach Calculus and Statistics with frickin' Roman numerals...

--Joe, noted Al-gebra follower.

Joe The Math Guy said...

Y'know, it occurs to me that there are some Shakespearian plays that, done completely seriously, actually look something like know, Danish princes and Scottish Kings and ancient Greeks walking around spouting lines in 16th century English.

Nothing against Shakespeare though...shucks, without him we wouldn't have that cool episode of Gilligan's Island...

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear. Oh, verily verily dear! *ROTFL* several too many times over. ;-) (although I think it's tough competition between this one and the version that Jonathan Coulton does...this one wins because I've known G&S longer. :-)