Friday, November 20, 2009

Alan Rickman music video

I got some not awful but rather frustrating news this morning and I'm needing some Alan Rickman to improve my day.

The original Alan Rickman video of the awesomenes is gone, so we will have to go with PG's suggested replacement.



fausto said...

So are you going to write his agent for a personal signed photo, like the comments on the video suggest?

Jay Clark said...

Hey thanks for the song recommendation I have never heard it before.

DairyStateDad said...

I'm sure it's somewhere in your archives but I'd love to know about the missing especially awesome Rickman video...

~DSD, who loved Rickman in Galaxy Quest as much as in the Potter movies...

Chalicechick said...

It was a clearly fan-produced video of clips from Alan Rickman movies set to "I'm too sexy."

It was very well done, with a clip of him removing his shirt as the song went "I'm to sexy for my shirt" etc, down to scenes of him as Snape on the turning around on the dueling platform when the lyrics are about "doing my little turn on the catwalk."

For an impressive amount of the video the clips appeared to almost move to the music.

Anyway, Alan Rickman is a favored lust object of mine, so for like three years I would post an embedded video link to said video when I was having a bad day or was just feeling peevish. It was a little bit sexy and a lot silly and I got lots of positive comments on what some Chalicesseurs referred to as my "self-care exercise."

Since youtube took the video off, I have been seeking a suitable replacement that will cheer me up when I'm having a bad day and will prove to be as popular among my readers, but so far I haven't found one.


who thinks nobody makes a set of black robes look quite as good as AR did in "Half-Blood Prince" though her personal favorite is "Truly, Madly, Deeply"

PG said...

I like the video as much for Shari Spiteri as for Rickman... she's one of the few women I find androgynously hot.