Saturday, November 28, 2009

Less stupid than Black Friday, less self-satisfied than "Buy Nothing Day"

Next day-after-Thanksgiving, I think I'll celebrate National Day of Listening.

who knows some of y'all celebrate "Buy Nothing Day" and aren't evangelical jerks about it, but the majority...


kimc said...

We didn't go out on Friday, because it's crazy out there. But today, we went to The Harvest Festival and did most of our Christmas shopping, which isn't much. It's mostly work stuff: little things for the ladies I work with and gifts for the gift exchange game we play at the party.

Jay Clark said...

Great idea!

Joy said...

It seems to me that one could do both. I tried to organize a black Friday event at church but I started too late.. (July) next year January! i think one of the activities could easily be interviewing someone you know and love.