Thursday, October 26, 2006

OK, temporary bans work for me.

I did read and think about what everyone said about my bar, which is, of course, the Chaliceblog. Everyone's points were well-taken, but I liked the fact that the 30-day-ban plan gave people the chance to redeem themselves.

Maybe I'm just a bleeding heart that way.

Anyway, please, get back to your normal method of posting, off-topic, argumentative or otherwise. I will use this very, very, rarely.

My previous policy had pretty much mirrored Google's policy, which can be paraphrased as "We will take stuff down when the person who originates it asks us to, when it's spam or when the law makes us. So unless you have a court order, goodbye." I had kicked one additional post when a friend revealed a peice of personal information about me that I didn't want him to. I took it down and asked him to repost it without the piece of information, knowing that he wouldn't mind.

TheCSO disagrees with my decision and may or may not write about why later.

Thanks for your input, everyone.


1 comment:

UUpdater said...

To change the analogy you used a bit, imagine if your bar were at a renaissance festival and the person was going from stage to stage heckling. Personally I would have no qualms about preemptively kicking the person out of the bar.

Heck, on the internet as a network administrator I totally rely on the preemptive blacklisting of people. You spam/troll other websites that's enough for me. I feel no need to wait for the inappropriate behavior to surface on my site.