Friday, January 20, 2006

Fixing UUism: Moratorium on condemning things at GA


Let's ban declarations of condemnation in all new GA resolutions, and let's ban all new "official" UUAWO positions based in old condemnatory resolutions. It would help the necessary exercise of defining who we are if we no longer can lean on the crutch of proclaiming what we're against. Give it a few years to run, and see whether the UUAWO actually finds anything worthwhile to affirm and promote. If they can't, shut 'em down, and spend the money we save on RE.


Chalicechick said...

I really like this one, BTW.


Robin Edgar said...

I don't because I believe that there should be no shortage of "declarations of condemnation" of internal UU injustices, abuses and hypocrisy at future UUA GAs. . . I and no doubt others can draw up "condemnatory resolutions" against UU hypocrisy including the now very well documente attacks on my own and other people's human rights and civil liberties by Montreal Unitarians that were tacitly condoned and even actively encouraged by top level UUA leaders.

:It would help the necessary exercise of defining who we are if we no longer can lean on the crutch of proclaiming what we're against.

Yes, good Unitarians aka U*Us do a really good job of proclaiming what they are against don't they? And most of the good U*Us that I know do a very poor job of actually practising what they so insincerely, and even quite fraudulently. . . proclaim to be for. . .

:Give it a few years to run, and see whether the UUAWO actually finds anything worthwhile to affirm and promote. If they can't, shut 'em down, and spend the money we save on RE.

As in RE's Creation Day and World Day of Conscience proposals perhaps? ;-)

Chalicechick said...

This proposal is also discussed here
