By Enneamage
I’d like to expand on a comment that “indrax” made, “* It would give UU's (and others) a place to spend months or years in a calmer lifestyle with time to explore their unique faith.”
A problem for me is that UU is primarily a community of like minded people, many of whom have found their way there from elsewhere. And that is okay as far as it goes.
But UU lacks a theology and an a “yoga” or practice that can enable people to transcend where they are, to become more whole, more integrated, more loving, etc.
A yoga or practice set could be developed. It might look like Buddhist “insight meditation.” It might contain physical practices such as T’ai Chi or yoga. It might stress community service and interpersonal relations.
I like the idea, we would just have to give it a name that would specifiy that it is "a" way and not "the" way.
Would you call it Yuuga? :-)
I actually "discovered" a ritual involving hand movements that went over very well during Creation Day celebrations and could be of interest to most if not all UUs.
Guess how Rev. Ray Drennan responded to it. . .
Surely you mean YU*UGA Kim. . . ;-)
Good luck with trying to get Unitarian Universalists to agree on a single, focused, disciplined spiritual practice! My congregation has two separate Buddhist meditations groups (Zen and Sri Lankan), yoga enthusiasts searching for a teacher, an “aroma therapy” group (said by its participants to be quite spiritual) and an on-again-off-again pagan drum circle. And I want to be there when the committee meets to select the proper meditation attire. Robes or spandex anyone?
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