Sunday, November 20, 2005

CC at the movies

Saw the Harry Potter movie at Tysons Corner’s very large and extremely kickass new movie theatre. On the whole, not as good as the third movie, but better than the first two. It probably did a better job than any of the others at showing the importance of the supporting characters. Neville and the Weasely twins made much more of an impression in this movie than they had in other ones. The director also did a nice job of not showing us much Quiddich. Quiddich, like most sports, bores the pants off CC.

Smile. The candles just hanging in the air in the Hogwarts main hall make me smile every time.

But the weirdest thing was that the wizard kids absolutely flipped out over a carriage pulled by flying horses, leaning out the train window are pointing.

Apparently to them, this is weird.

Oh, and judging by the previews, King Kong will rock.



indrax said...

You liked the third movie? You didn't read the books, did you?
I consider 3 a crime against the HP story, and cinema itself.

Chalicechick said...

Wanna make something of it?

Seriously, I thought 3 was the best book and the best movie.


Anonymous said...

We attended the midnight show with our teenage son and it was incredible. The theatre was full of boisterous teenagers. The show started late tand the whole theatre chanted "Harry, Harry, Harry!" There were kids dressed in capes and one as HP. Reminded me of the Rocky Horror Picture shows at midnight. Most fun I've had at a movie in a while.


indrax said...

I think we'd better step outside.

Actually, I don't want to get into it. When I think about listing all the mistakes in the movie, I start to feel like the comic book guy.

But I will say this: Did Lupin let Harry face the boggart in class, or not? and if not, why?

Chalicechick said...

I read the book several years ago and don't recall the detail about Harry and the boggert from the book.

In the movie, I think I recall that Lupin doesn't let Harry face the boggert.

I assume that it was because either:

A. Lupin didn't want Harry to have to in any sense relive his parents' death as he did when he faced a real Dementor. (Do the boggerts take on something of the power of what they are pretending to be? Even if not, Harry's previous Dementor experience must have been traumatic.)

B. Last time Harry dealt with a Dementor, he fainted. If it happened again, the other kids would never let him live it down.

C. While helping a normal kid get over his/her fear of spiders, snakes and mean people is doing him/her a favor, teaching Harry to fear Dementors less is not doing him a service. He takes enough stupid chances with things that could kill him as is.

Smile. You sound like you've put more thought into this than I have, though. So tell me why I am wrong.

who thought the first two movies tried too hard to please Comic Book Guy with perfect details and slavish following of the book and bright goofiness that appealed to young children. The third movie streamlined some of that and actually had some soul, yet paradoxically looked sort of understated and English with all its muted colors.

indrax said...

In the book, Lupin does not let Harry Face the boggart, when Harry's turn comes, Lupin ends the class. In a later conversation, he explains that he did so because he assumed that the what Harry feared most was Lord Voldemort, and he did not want an image of Lord Voldemort materializing in a classroom full of children.

In the movie, Lupin does let Harry face the boggart, and it turns into a dementor, then lupin steps between them, it turns into a moon, and he dispathes it back to the cabinet. In a later conversation, he explains that he did not let harry face the boggart because he assumed it would take the shape of Lord Voldemort. (essentially the same conversation as was in the book)

I can deal with adapting the movie for film, but the movie should at least be consistent in itself.

Chalicechick said...

OK, I defined "take on" differently than you did.

But anyway, would you tell an twelve-year-old boy that you stopped him from facing the boggert because you were afraid he would faint?

If you did, you'd be telling him that everybody sees him the way Malfoy does.


indrax said...

I suppose it's possible that Lupin was stretching the truth, and I can accept some wiggle room in the wording, but it doesn't make any sense for him to say he thought it would become Voldemort when he already saw it become a Dementor.

LaReinaCobre said...

Felt the same way about 4 that you did, CC: not as good as #3, but better than the first 2.

The acting was terrific, and so were the special effects, but I think something went wrong in the editing room. Perhaps it was just too much book this time around ... not having read #4, I was sometimes confused about some of the references. I hadn't read #3 in several years (and remembered little of it), but it stood well on its own.

#2 bored me so much I wish I was sleeping.

But there were exciting things in #4, and I even cried a little towards the end.