Sunday, January 07, 2007

Oh those wacky Swedes...

Seen in Ikea


Robin Edgar said...

Oh those wacky Canadian U*Us eh? ;-)

Of course, in *light* of that little revelation of the Uncommon Denomination aka the U*U World, I am not convinced that American U*Us are particularly less wacky when it comes to symbolizing the "corporate identity" of the UUA
with this brand-spanking new flaming chalice logo. . .

ROTFLMU*UO yet again

epilonious said...

A broom, a carriage, and a Tandy TRS-80 walk into a bar.

I would have a punchline, but I am sure that the emerson avenger would make it into a much more interesting and wacky one and somehow work in a knock at Something UU in the process.