Wednesday, November 22, 2006


CC is peevish tonight. Perhaps it's that I'm anticipating the cooking stresses of tomorrow.

And it's almost midnight and I'm very much awake.

That's my excitement.

Somebody say something entertaining.

beginning to wonder if her yearly Christmas bad mood is starting a little early.


Lizard Eater said...

"I'm so sick of hearing about family values. Most of us are in therapy because of our families. I'm surprised you don't hear about more calls to 911: 'Help me, I'm in a family. Get me out of here!'" -- Judy Carter, comic

Happy T-day, CC.


Anonymous said...

Well, this is the kind of humor I tend to get in my email these days:

My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the
other day so he would be able to monitor my moods.
We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm
in a bad mood, it leaves a big freaking red mark on his forehead.
Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond.

but maybe this one will cheer you up more:

Life Purpose
"Ten Guidelines to Enlightenment."
By Swami Beyondananda.

1. Be a FUNdamentalist. Ensure that the FUN always comes before the MENTAL. Realize that life is a situation comedy that will never be cancelled. A laugh track has been provided and the reason we are put in the material world is to get more material from that track. Have a good laughsitive twice a day, which will ensure reguhilarity.

2. Remember that each of us has been given a special gift just for entering, so you are already a winner!

3. The most powerful tool on the planet today is Tell-A-Vision. That's where I tell a vision to you and you tell a vision to me. That way, if we don't like the programming we're getting, we can change the channel.

4. Life is like photography -- you use the negative to develop. No matter what adversity you face, be reassured: of course God loves you. . .

5. It is true: as we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles tend to get caught between the ears and cause a condition called "truth decay." Be sure to use mental floss twice a day, and when you're tempted to practice 'tantrum yoga', remember what we teach in the Swami's Absurdiveness Training Class: don't get EVEN, get ODD.

6. If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments and truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you and you no mad at me. That way there will surely be nomadness on the planet. Peace begins with each of us. A little peace here, a little peace there. Pretty soon all the peaces will fit together to make one big peace everywhere.

7. I know, great earth changes have been predicted for the future, so if you're looking to avoid earthquakes, my advice is simple: when you find a fault, don't dwell on it.

8. There's no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again.

9. If you're looking for the key to the Universe, I've got some good news, and some bad news. The bad news: there is no key to the Universe. The good news: it was never locked.

10. Finally, everything I've told you is 'channeled'. That way, if you don't like it, it's not my fault. But, remember: enlightenment is not a bureaucracy, so you don't have to go through channels.

Copyright 2001, by Steve Bhaerman. All rights reserved.

Lilylou said...

Happy Day, CC. Hope it all goes well with the family and the friends.

Ms. K.