Saturday, April 09, 2005

You might be from McLean, VA...

CC wrote this as a 17-year-old. She found it today and it still made her laugh. So she is posting it with just minor revsions.,

I've been thinking a lot about my hometown both because the CSO and I are buying a house here and because I've run into several people I went to high school with in the past couple of weeks. I am starting to envy the CSO, who went to high school in Charlotte. All his high school friends seem to work in diners or fix cars. (Except for Petey)

All the kids I grew up with are now in medical school or law school.

Ah well, anyway here's the list, and bear in mind that when I was 17, You-might-be-a-redneck jokes were still pretty new.


-If your Daddy walks you to school, cuz' he's the Secretary of Education, you might be from McLean.

-If that Australian kid took your lunch money, and the US broke off trade relations, you might be from McLean.

-If the teacher asks what you want to do when you grow up and you say "If I tell you, I've got to kill you," you might be from McLean

-If your Daddy yells out "Hi Bunky!" and Dick Cheney turns around, you might be from McLean

-If your idea of a "Hick" is someone who grew up at Hickory Hill, you might be from McLean.

-If you needed a flu shot, so you called the Surgeon General at home, you might be from McLean

-If your nickname for Julia Roberts is "my daddy's mistress" you might be from McLean.

-If you have a favorite Hillary Clinton hairstyle, you might be from McLean

- If you're 35 years old and you mom still won't let you date Libertarians, you might be from McLean

-If your idea of an insult is "Yo momma is so poor, she RARELY goes to SWITZERLAND!" You might be from McLean.

-If you keep your piggy bank in the Cayman Islands, you might be from McLean

-If you've ever missed school to help your Daddy finish his FEC filing, you might be from McLean.

-If you go to diplomatic functions to pick up chicks, you might be from McLean.

-If you go to diplomatic functions and SUCESSFULLY pick up chicks, you are definitely from McLean.

-If you're reading this list and taking notes, you're new to McLean, but you're going to fit in fine.

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