Thursday, September 08, 2011

I don't blog much, but I do still comment

I just left a long-winded one on The TogetherBoss Blog.

TogetherBeth has a blog now.

If you go there and my comment isn't up yet, feel free to come back and read her post again. Most people need to be told things multiple times these days.

Including me.

who is having a long day.


Robin Edgar said...

"Most people need to be told things multiple times these days. . . Including me."

Yes, how unfortunate that "less than perfect" U*Us, perhaps *especially* "less than perfect" U*U clergy. . . need to be told things multiple times these days, and even then many if not most still don't "get it".

Chalicechick said...

*shrug* I've been telling you since our beliefnet days that when I say something applies to "most people" that means that it probably applies to UUs and UU Clergy too.

I still have to repeat it for you.