Thursday, April 15, 2010

Awesome, awesome passive-aggressive library signs

Love them all

who is having a stressful law day and likely isn't good for anything else.

Criminal justice *headdesk* of the day, the third one to feature Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Don't miss the first six words of the third paragraph.


DairyStateDad said...

Aggressive, yes. And definitely awesome. But not sure that "Passive-Aggressive" really fits here, except maybe no. 16.

Or am I missing something?

(And yeah, I know you didn't pick the "passive-aggressive" part of the headline.)

Desmond Ravenstone said...

I remember in college, the reserve section of the library had a sign saying that students had to leave "all belongings at the desk before entering."

Two students took the wording as literally as possible, stripping naked before going to the stacks.

The stunt made the student newspaper, with a photo no less... and led to the library changing the signage.

DairyStateDad said...

Two students took the wording as literally as possible, stripping naked before going to the stacks.

Now THAT'S Passive-Aggressive!

Desmond Ravenstone said...

Well, DSD, there's no denying that those students laid bare the flaw in the sign's wording,