Sunday, November 09, 2008

Optimism all over the place

I was in the lay service, so I attended both services this morning and was delighted that nobody crowed about the election at Joys and Concerns. I have to say that people have been much more respectful this election season than I have seen before. Gives me a bit of hope.

Though I'm not generally a fan of Joys and Concerns, I was pleased that today we asked those who had served in the armed forces to stand and gave them a round of applause in honor of Veteran's Day.

I had an interesting argument over politics in church the other day with Katy-the-Wise. I hope I held my own, but one usually doesn't in arguing with her.

I'm glad the lay service is over, as much fun as it was. Now I just have to write the Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre show for next year.


Oh yeah, and work and study.


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