Having heard so much Hoopla about the "Left Behind" video game where you can shoot nonbelievers, I'd like to play it and review it for the Chaliceblog.
That said, I'm not looking to add to its sales numbers, so I'd like a used copy.
Having shelled out for lots of Christmas presents in the last few weeks, I'm feeling broke today, so I've placed a request for a copy on the amazon wishlist I have that is entitled Buy me stuff, I'm cute.
So hey, if you've read the Chaliceblog and enjoyed it all year and you'd like to see a review where I will thoughtfully critique the game if it deserves it, snark on the game if it deserves it, and if nothing else simply tell you, hype from both directions aside, what's actually in it, give that link a click.
If you don't have thirty five bucks you can play with lying around, don't like the Chaliceblog thirty five bucks worth or want to give the publicity of this game neither heat nor light, I can respect all of those positions and please don't feel pressured.
After someone buys me a copy, amazon should theoretically remove it from the list, though one can always email me and I will make sure that it is removed. But if amazon screws that up and I get multiple copies, I will sell extra copies to my favorite scifi used book store, match the proceeds with an equal contribution of my own and give the resulting amount to Beacon House.
Thanks in advance,
This is such a case of life imitating art. Years ago, the Simpsons had an episode in which the Christian next door neighbor kids, Rod and Todd, were playing just such a video game (shooting sinners to convert them to Christianity) with Bart. "I got one!," Bart shouts in excitement. "No, you just winged him," Rod says, "He's a Unitarian."
"Billy Graham's BibleBlaster" if memory serves. I think you shot bibles at the heathens to convert them...
The DH totally wants to get this game and play it. I told him I wasn't going to give a dime of my money to the makers. He still wants to buy it because he's certain it will confirm his belief that Christians are ridiculous. But I don't know if he'll get around to it because he's been working 12-18 hour days. I will admit to being curious, but I don't want to hear the makers on tv three months ago citing their video game sales as proof that the Christians want their country back.
three months ago = "three months from now"
I'll send the DH my copy when I'm done with it if you like...
This review said enough for me to not want it, but i look forwad to your review.
If I had any control over a game store, I'd make sure that Left Behind: Eternal Forces was next to A Force More Powerful
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