Sunday, March 27, 2005

What I've Been Reading Lately

Fausto told up what he's been reading lately. Here's my version.

Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker’s Proverbs Of Ashes which I started because one of the ministers at my church gave a particularly good sermon on redemptive suffering, so good that I am rethinking a few things I’d assumed.

Richard Osterling and Joan Osterling’s “Mormon America”because when one is in Rome, one should figure out what the Roman’s deal is.

For my less-strenuous reading, I’m halfway through Donna Tartt’s The Little Friend. I don’t know why I tend to read coming-of-age stories. At least this one has a murder.

And I just finished Tim O’Brien’s Going After Cacciato which really blew me away.

who also scared the bejabbers out of herself reading "Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper -- Case Closed" which she really enjoyed, though wished had more citations.


Anonymous said...

I read Proverbs of Ashes about a month ago, and wrote up a review

Rebecca Parker gave a sermon on "Paradise" which is the focus of the new book she is working on, at First Parish in Cambridge. I spoke to her afterward, and have corresponded with her by email. She told me she's participating in an initiative at

which uses an interesting software called Synanim which allows documents to be written jointly to forge a consensus.

Chalicechick said...


I will write a full review when I've finished it.